Some of Our Customers
Alamo Pintado Medical Center
Alpine Veterinary Hospital
American Human Association
American Veterinary Medical Foundation
Animal Haven Clinic P.C
Animal Rescue League of Boston
Animal Service of Pacer County
Aprshire Farm Horse and Cattle
Atwood Ranch
Auburn University
Avi Riya Medical (India)
Barree Stud (Australia)
Beaumont Equine Retreat
Best Friends Animal Organization
BLM, Palomino Valley
British Columbia SPCA (Canada)
Broussard, William
Capitol Region Council of Government,
Cave Creek Surgical Center
Chaparral Animal Hospital
Charleston County E.P.D
Cigarrera La Moderna S.A (Mexico)
City of LA/Animal Regulations
City of Las Vegas
City of Riverside, Fire Station #3
Clemson University
Code 3 Associates
Colorado Department of Agriculture
Colorado State University
Community Health Agency/Riverside
Cornell University
Daniel W Duncan DVM (Canada)
Dap Bodegraven (Holland)
David Turoff DVM
Days End Farm Rescue
Disaster Animal Rescue Team - D.A.R.T
Distr. Eleven Dept of Homeland Sec.
Drakenstein Vet Center (South Africa)
Dream Catcher Therapy Center
Ecole Nationale Vet Del Lyon (France)
Eleanor Crow
Equamore Foundation
Equine Medical Center of Ocala
Felton Fire District
Ferno Australia
Florida Dept of Agriculture
Fox Run Equine Center
Georgia Dept of Agriculture
Georgia Equine Rescue
Greater Birmingham Humane Society
H H Shk. Mohamed (U.A.E)
Habitat for Horses, Inc.
Hanover Shoe Farm, Inc.
Hogan Equine
Homestead Veterinary Hospital
Hooved Animal Humane Society
Horse Emergency Evacuation Team - H.E.E.T
Houston SPCA
HSUSA Northern Rockies Regional Office
Humane Society of Pulaski County
Humane Society at Lollypop
Humane Society of Missouri
Iowa State University
Kansas State University
King Abdullah's Stables
LA Fire Department
Lane Ranch
Large Animal Lift Ent.
Large Animal Rescue i.e. John & Deb Fox
Least Resistance Training Concepts
Littleton Large Animal Clinic
Long Island Vet Medical Assoc.
Long Meadow Rescue Ranch
Louisiana State University
Louisiana Vet. Medical Assoc. Equine Comm.
Mass. S.P.C.
Marchant, Sue (Australia)
Marion Dupont Scott Equine Center
Michigan State University
Midland Fire & Rescue
Mississippi State University
Mountain Horse Medical Hospital
Navajo Tecnical University
New Bolton Center
New Mexico Livestock Board
Norco Horesmen's Assoc.
North Bay Horse Rescue & Welfare
N.Carolina State Univ. of Veterinary
Northern Calif. Equine foundation
Oceanographic Environmental Research Soc. (Canada)
Ohio State Univ. Veterinary Hosp.
Oklahoma State University
Orange County Fire Authority
Oregon State University
Paton and Martin vet services( HCBC) Langley B.C.
Purdue University
Rancho San Jacinto S.A. De C.V (Mexico)
Reata Equine Hospital
Redwing Horse Sanctuary (U.K.)
Rocky Mountain Horse Rescue
Ruffian Equine Medical Center
Scone Veterinary Hospital (Australia)
Sergio Salinas
Santa Clara County Fire Dept.
Shin Sung Medi-Tech Co. (Seoul, South Korea)
Spruce Meadows (Alberta Canada)
Stillwater Equine Clinic
State of Tennessee, Dept. of Agriculture
Steinbeck County Equine Clinic
Texas A & M University
Texas Equine Hospital
The Equine Clinic At Oakencroft
The Hong Kong Jockey Club (Hong Kong)
The Liphook Equine Hospital (UK)
Tufts University
UC Davis School of Veterinay Medicine
University Centre-Level 5 (Univ. of Guelph) (Canada)
University De Montreal (Canada)
University of Edinburgh (U.K.)
University of Florida
University of Georgia
University of Guelph (Canada)
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of Pennsylvania
University of Queensland (Australia)
University of Tennessee
University of Vet Med Equine (Austria)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Minnesota
Utah Dept. of Agriculture
Ventura County Fire Dept.
Vermont Horse Council
Veterinary Instruments LTD (Ireland)
Virginia Tech
Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Washington State University
Weatherford Equine Medical Center
West Coast Equine
Western Disaster Center
Westprime Systems
Westwinds Stables Equine Rescue
Yosemite National Park
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